Module 06: "Which Side Are You On?" The Flint Sit-Down Strike, 1936-37

Evidence 13: Children Picketing in Flint, February 3, 1937

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Throughout the sit-down strike, the UAW maintained picket lines at affected GM plants. Picketing provided an opportunity for workers who were unable or unwilling to remain in the factories to show their support for the union, the strike, and the men inside the plants. It also offered a chance for the wives, sisters, and children of striking workers to demonstrate their support to their striking husbands, brothers, and fathers.

Questions to Consider

  • How would sit-down strikers respond to the sight of their children picketing outside the factory?

  • How would readers of newspapers respond to the image?


Children on a Picket Line

(click to enlarge)

Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University. Downloaded from

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